StandOut Program

Program Name: Start Right and Stand Out Program

Program Overview: The Start Right and Stand Out Program is a comprehensive initiative offered by SHE 4 Change Foundation, specifically designed for the youth, especially university students. The program aims to provide students with the necessary guidance, resources, and support to start their university journey on the right track and stand out in their academic and personal pursuits.

Program Components:

1. Start Right Program:

The Start Right Program is a comprehensive initiative designed to empower students especially first-year college students with essential skills and knowledge to excel in their academic and personal journeys.

   – Goal Setting and Planning: Students will learn how to set academic, personal, and career goals, and develop effective plans to achieve them. This includes creating a roadmap for their university journey and identifying the necessary steps and resources to reach their goals.

   – Study Skills and Time Management: Workshops and training sessions will be conducted to help students develop effective study skills, time management strategies, and organizational techniques. These skills will enable them to excel academically and balance their commitments.

Mentorship: Our mentorship program, an integral part of the Standout and Start-Right initiative, connects students with peers and faculty for guidance and support.

In our Standout and Start-Right program, we foster two key mentorship initiatives:

  • Buddy System: We pair students in our program with peers who are at least a year ahead of them in the same program or class. This dynamic mentorship experience helps guide our students toward excellence.
  • Faculty Mentorship Program: We also provide fresh students with valuable connections by linking them with experienced faculty members in their respective faculties. This mentorship program offers essential guidance for a successful academic journey. These initiatives ensure that our students have a support network in place to thrive academically and personally.

   – College Readiness: Students will receive guidance on the college application process, including college selection, financial aid options, and scholarships. They will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about their educational path.

   – Career Exploration: Through job shadowing, internships, and career fairs, students will have the opportunity to explore different career paths, gain real-world experience, and make informed decisions about their future careers.

   – Leadership Development: Leadership workshops, training sessions, and mentorship programs will be offered to help students develop leadership skills and become effective leaders in their academic and personal lives.

   – Wellness and Self-Care: Workshops and activities focused on stress management, self-care, and overall wellness will be provided to support students in maintaining a healthy work-life balance and prioritizing their mental and physical well-being.

   – Financial Literacy: Students will receive education and training on financial literacy, including budgeting, managing money, and making informed financial decisions. This knowledge will empower them to navigate their financial responsibilities effectively.

   – Personal Development: Workshops and activities will focus on personal development, including building self-confidence, developing interpersonal skills, and managing relationships. Students will be encouraged to grow personally and professionally.

   – Diversity and Inclusion: Education and awareness sessions on diversity and inclusion will be conducted to foster an inclusive and welcoming environment for all students. Students will be encouraged to appreciate and respect different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives.

   – Social and Networking Events: The program will organize social and networking events to provide students with opportunities to connect with their peers, build friendships, and create a sense of community on campus.

2. Standout Program:

The StandOut Program is designed to support college girls in excelling in all spheres of their lives. Through mentorship, workshops, and guidance, we assist them in areas such as career development, faith, relationships, personal branding, leadership, and academic excellence. We provide the necessary tools and resources to help them navigate challenges, build confidence, and unlock their full potential.

The Stand Out Program is designed to empower university students to achieve academic excellence and develop impactful leadership skills. Here are some details of the program:

Personal Branding: Students will learn about personal branding and its importance in today’s competitive world. They will be guided on how to develop a strong personal brand that aligns with their values, strengths, and goals. This includes understanding how to showcase their unique qualities, skills, and achievements to stand out in their academic and professional endeavors.

Mentorship: Our mentorship program, an integral part of the Standout and Start-Right initiative, connects students with peers and faculty for guidance and support.

In our Standout and Start-Right program, we foster two key mentorship initiatives:

  1. Buddy System: We pair students in our program with peers who are at least a year ahead of them in the same program or class. This dynamic mentorship experience helps guide our students toward excellence.
  2. Faculty Mentorship Program: We also provide fresh students with valuable connections by linking them with experienced faculty members in their respective faculties. This mentorship program offers essential guidance for a successful academic journey.

These initiatives ensure that our students have a support network in place to thrive academically and personally.

Professional Dress and Appearance: Workshops and guidance will be provided on dressing for success, understanding professional dress codes, grooming habits, and appropriate attire for different occasions. Students will learn how to make a positive impression through their appearance and develop a professional image.

   – Communication and Networking: Students will receive training on effective communication skills, including verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening, and professional etiquette. They will learn how to network effectively, build meaningful connections, and navigate professional relationships.

   – Personal Development: The program will focus on personal development, including self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and goal setting. Students will be encouraged to develop their strengths, work on their weaknesses, and cultivate a growth mindset.

   – Leadership and Impactful Leadership: Leadership development sessions and opportunities will be provided to help students develop their leadership skills and make a positive impact in their communities. They will learn how to lead with integrity, inspire others, and drive meaningful change.

   – Community Engagement: Students will be encouraged to engage in community service and give back to society. They will have opportunities to participate in volunteer activities, community projects, and social initiatives to develop a sense of social responsibility and make a difference.

   – Career Development: The program will offer career development resources, including job search strategies, resume building, interview preparation, and access to internships and job opportunities. Students will be supported in their career exploration and equipped with the tools to navigate their future professional paths.

Program Impact:

The Start Right and Standout Program aims to empower university students to thrive academically, develop leadership skills, and make a positive impact in their communities. By providing comprehensive guidance, resources, and support, the program intends to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to succeed in their university journey and beyond.

Through the program, students will have the opportunity to enhance their academic performance, develop their personal and professional skills, build a strong personal brand, expand their network, and contribute to their communities. The ultimate goal is to empower students to become exceptional individuals who excel academically, demonstrate impactful leadership, and create positive change in their lives and the world around them.

Note: The specific activities, workshops, and resources offered within the Start Right and Standout Program may vary based on the needs and resources available in each university or community we work with.

The SHE 4 Change Foundation Start Right and Standout program aims to empower the youth, especially university students to excel academically and develop impactful leadership skills.

Self-Awareness: The program encourages students to reflect on their values, strengths, weaknesses, passions, interests, and goals. By developing self-awareness, students can effectively communicate their personal brand to others.

Goal Setting: Students learn how to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals that align with their personal brand. They identify short-term and long-term goals and create action plans to achieve them.

Personal Development: Workshops and activities will focus on personal development, including building self-confidence, developing interpersonal skills, and managing relationships. Students will be encouraged to grow personally and professionally.

Professionalism: The program emphasizes the importance of professionalism in personal branding. Students learn how to present themselves in a polished and appropriate manner in various settings, such as interviews, networking events, and social media.

Online Presence: Students are taught how to create and maintain a positive online presence on social media platforms like LinkedIn. They learn to showcase their skills, achievements, and interests while being responsible with their online reputation.

Networking: Students are provided with strategies for building and maintaining professional relationships. They learn networking techniques, attend industry events, join professional organizations, and leverage informational interviews.

Personal Style: The program educates students on dressing appropriately for different occasions, grooming habits, and projecting a positive image. They are encouraged to express their personal style while being mindful of the professional environment.

Emotional Intelligence: Students learn to develop self-awareness, empathy, and emotional regulation. They understand the importance of managing their emotions and responding to the emotions of others in a respectful and empathetic manner.

Leadership and Initiative: The program encourages students to identify opportunities, take proactive steps, contribute, make a difference, and demonstrate leadership skills.

Resilience and Adaptability: Students learn to bounce back from failures and setbacks, adapt to changes, and learn from challenges. They develop a growth mindset and understand the importance of perseverance and adaptability.

Authenticity: Students learn the importance of being genuine, honest, and true to themselves. They understand that their unique qualities and experiences make them stand out and differentiate themselves from others.