At SHE 4 Change Foundation, we believe that collaboration is key to achieving meaningful and sustainable impact. We are proud to partner with like-minded organizations, businesses, and individuals who share our vision of empowering marginalized women and transforming rural communities. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.

2. Local NGOs and Community Organizations

We collaborate with local NGOs and community organizations in rural areas to identify and address the specific needs of marginalized women and communities. By working together, we can leverage our resources, knowledge, and expertise to create tailored solutions that have a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve.

SHE-Frik is a  fashion brand committed to promoting sustainable and ethical fashion practices. Our partnership with SHE-Frik allows us to provide training and market access to marginalized seamstresses, enabling them to showcase their skills and products to a wider audience. Together, we are empowering women and promoting a more inclusive and responsible fashion industry.

4. Corporate Sponsors and Philanthropic Organizations

We are grateful for the support of corporate sponsors and philanthropic organizations who share our commitment to creating positive change. Their financial contributions enable us to expand our programs, reach more women and communities, and make a greater impact. Together, we are driving social change and empowering women to overcome barriers.

3. Educational Institutions

We partner with educational institutions to provide skill-building and training opportunities for marginalized women. Through these partnerships, we equip women with the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive in the fashion industry and beyond. By combining education with empowerment, we are paving the way for a brighter future.

6. Global Networks and Alliances

We actively engage with global networks and alliances focused on women’s empowerment and community development. These partnerships allow us to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and amplify our impact on a larger scale. Together, we are part of a global movement working towards a more just and equitable world.

5. Government Agencies and Policy Makers

We collaborate with government agencies and policy makers to advocate for gender equality, women’s empowerment, and inclusive policies. Through these partnerships, we aim to create an enabling environment that supports the advancement of marginalized women and ensures their voices are heard at all levels of decision-making.


We actively engage with global networks and alliances focused on empowering marginalized communities especially women’s empowerment and community development. These partnerships allow us to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and amplify our impact on a larger scale. Together, we are part of a global movement working towards a more just and equitable world.

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Contact us today to learn more about our programs, initiatives, and how you can get involved. Together, let’s transform lives and build a brighter future.